Hello, my friends. It seems like forever since we met here. My book’s deadline and family obligations kept me away for a bit. Such is the ebb and flow of life. I pray all is well with you.
Right after Easter, I told you about the day I met God in that little Arkansas church and made my best decision ever. I was tired of letting hurts and bad choices control me and chose new life in Christ. I hope you’ve experienced it too. The surrender and the peace. Maybe you weren’t in a church when you made the decision. It can happen anywhere, anytime, with others or alone. I pray, like me, you’re seeking your Divine Design.
Although we are unique and our stories are different, we’re on the same journey. We were born to imperfect people in an imperfect world where stuff happens. That stuff molds our thinking and we lose our God-given identity. We find it when we decide to follow our Creator.
In surrendering our lives to Jesus, we identify with his death and our old self dies. In identifying with his resurrection, we find our true self. In Waking the Dead, John Eldredge says it like this, “We are in the process of being unveiled. We are created to reflect God’s glory, born to bear his image, and he ransomed us to reflect that glory again.”
Wow. How the heck do we that? Early in my spiritual walk, I learned the importance of sanctification, of being purified from sin and set apart for sacred use. I was determined to change my habits and thinking. To use my life for good.
Sanctification is not imitating Christ like an actor, it’s letting his qualities live in us and shine through us. Oswald Chambers defines it as “nothing less than the holiness of Jesus becoming mine and being exhibited in my life.” Sound like a tall order?
Since we are “created to reflect God’s glory,” holiness is a part of our original design. It’s also our redeemed identity. Holiness is passed on to us from the cross. It’s a grace gift. When we accept Jesus’ death to forgive us and his resurrection to give us new life, our spirits are renewed by his Holy Spirit. It’s Christ in us. All of Jesus. Available to us. All the time.
As his Spirit connects us with God and helps us understand Scripture, we’re transformed on the inside. Then those outward symptoms of sin and wrong mindsets peel off like old sunburned skin. Sorta like a soul exfoliation. Cleaning up the mind, will, and emotions prompts the shedding of unhealthy behavior. It’s an inside-out process.
In Ephesians, Paul reminds us that we are adopted “to be holy and without fault—blameless—in God’s eyes.” God sees us as if we never sinned. He really does forgive and forget. In that, we see holiness is a result of God loving us. To honor God and this gift of abundant life in Christ, the next step is to surrender to it.
Perhaps you’re thinking, “Is that even possible?” Yes. It’s a decision of the will. Next time, we’ll dig up some mixed-up ideas about holiness. Join me to see what holy living has to do with wholly living.
One day, one step at a time, my friend. Peace for your journey.
Photo from Pixabay.com