My biggest writing challenge is not a lack of ideas. I have scads. The glitch comes when my brain compels me to write my current emotional struggles. To which I reply, “Again? No. This isn’t fun. I don’t want to be a Debby Downer.” Sure, I can copy and paste a happy-sappy piece from last year. But, as usual, I’m drawn to a mental venting.
Writing’s been my therapy since my pre-teen days. Well, that and a shameless love of dancing. If not sitting on a riverbank filling notebooks with thoughts of my latest crush or my adolescent life with an alcoholic, I was outside choreographing dance moves to “Stayin’ Alive” blaring from a cassette player.
So, what’s on my mind today? An unresolved conflict with my husband. This morning, I woke the same way I fell asleep. With tears stinging puffy eyes. I didn’t want the day to start as I reached into the freezer for Alex’s teethers to press onto my eyelids.
People tell me I have a “non-anxious presence.” Not yesterday. I was a blubbering, stress ball sitting in the car at Kohl’s. Honest communication can be hard. But I asked for it.
Before I showed up at my desk, I poured foggy thoughts onto paper. They’re prayers really. Not eloquent or pretty, just candid and gritty. I wrote until I broke free of hurt and emotional weight. I got past myself. Then I gained perspective.
While I sit in my home office, comfy in yoga pants and drinking fresh coffee, Jeff’s in front of three computer screens wired to corporate America. He deals with power outages and multi-million-dollar budgets and motivating people to do their job. There are hundreds of emails and spreadsheets and repairs, oh my.
When we get past ourselves, we see that others struggle too. Work and home and relationships are often complicated and heavy. Even for those usually upbeat, like my husband. If he’s not smiling, singing, or whistling—he’s stressed.
Marriage, family, and friendships bond us together. But, we’re each on our own journey. We need to give others space for mistakes and opinions and imperfection. We listen, we hear, we love, we cheer.
Today, I arrived at my desk inspired by my good and messy life. One like yours, perhaps. May we not let our challenges distract us. The best and strongest among us need our encouragement.
Who in your circle needs you to see past their words, their walls, and their stress? How can you let them know their loved and appreciated?
Thanks for sitting and listening, my friends. I am encouraged. I pray you are too. Love and Peace for your journey.
Photo from
Gary says
For twenty plus years I have been impressed by your openness and honesty. What a stress releaver. Through it all God has obviously blessed you. May God continue to bless you, Jeff and your wonderful family.
Robin Melvin says
Thank you, Gary!