I have a knack for complicating things.
Like last week, when I had three writing deadlines and I spilled water on my computer’s keyboard. Or that time I grabbed a bag of dry beans from the top shelf and didn’t see the gaping hole. Beans bounced off my head, skittered across the kitchen tile, and cascaded all the way through the dining room and into the hallway.
Four months later, I’m still finding beans. Sometimes, I think it’s my super power. To take something simple and make it messy.
I believe we do the same thing in our relationship with God. We complicate it. We feel like there’s always something more we should be doing. Like it’s never enough.
This restlessness can come from a good place. Our hearts simply want to serve him and help people and be faithful with the days he gives us. So with these good motives, why does our faith get so frustrating?
Because we think we have to do something big, shiny, and epic. We think we have to sound Christian-y and have all the right answers and do all the right things. There’s all these religious rules and traditions and expectations. And all those darn boxes to check. They suck the joy right out of our faith, don’t they?
When all God wants is a relationship. Simple. Uncomplicated. Un-boxed.
What if he’s saying, “Be still. Stop striving. See Me. Then see your people. Reconnect with your passions. Be content in those places I put you. Your everyday doing and being is your purpose.”
In Jesus’ ministry, we see this holy noticing. In his everyday interactions and conversations with God and with people. Regular people like us. Who don’t want a set of rules, but who want a Savior. And we know he delights in our serving and giving, but what’s most important is what he wants to do for us. He is the Giver of Life, real abundant life.
And he shows us what is big, shiny, and epic.
To love God and love people. The best we know how. It’s not always that easy but it is that simple.
“But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously- take God seriously.” ~ Micah 6:8 ❤✌🏼😎🙏🏼
🎶 Enjoy one of my favorite songs. And dance. Dancing is good 💃🏼🕺🏼
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