I remember a Christmas when my boys were small. We drove from Arkansas to Illinois and visited three homes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Then we drove ten hours back to Arkansas.
While unloading a trunk full of toys, we were a bit sad. It felt like we kinda missed Christmas. So, the next year, we stayed home and started our own traditions. We don’t regret it. Our kids are now grown and have their own families. And Christmases are our best memories.
I still refuse to race around and stress out on the holidays. If I can’t find the perfect gift, ingredient, or decoration? We don’t need it. Whatever doesn’t get done, doesn’t get done. Traditions are wonderful but if they shackle us to debt, steal our peace or our time with family, then what’s the point?
I believe Christmas is whispering to us.
To feel the nudge and to get quiet. To slow down and remember how God came down to live and suffer among us.
We sense His love that’s unconditional.
We find the Peace this world can’t touch.
And we hold on to a Hope that doesn’t give up. It’s way more than wishful thinking. It’s actively trusting that He walks with us through really hard times. Through every trial and every storm.
God’s Presence is the best present ever.
As we attend parties, enjoy the noise, the shopping, and the toys, or decide to just stay home, let’s listen for the Christmas whisper. It reminds us to pause and be present, fully present. To Him. To them.
Because there’s power in presence. Listening and laughing, compassion and encouragement. This is abundant life. Let’s not miss Christmas. He is here and He is not silent. Celebrate Immanuel, God with us.
Peace, Grace, & Quiet moments to you and yours 💗
Photo from www.Pixabay.com
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