“Be still and know I am God.” ~ Pslam 46:10
Oh my. The sunrise. Did you see the sky God painted for us today?
Some mornings, I do. Might even snap a picture for my blog or text my husband. Then move on. But today, I stopped.
Like really stopped.
It wasn’t easy to resist the urge to pick up my phone and rush toward the next thing.
That next thing always seems so darn urgent, doesn’t it?
I told myself to slow down … to stay in the moment. To quiet my jumping-ahead thoughts and get off the hamster wheel.
Not just on the outside but on the inside.
I stopped to soak in the silent power spreading from east to west.
Pinks and purples, blues and grays.
What a gift we have in this ancient rhythm that meets us every morning and invites us to start our day by stopping.
To rest and delight.
Because all around us the world spins and speeds and before we know it we’re caught up and ramped up with it. Because society totally accepts hyper-drive and exhaustion and multi-tasking as necessary to acquire and accomplish.
Some of us wear all this doingdoingdoing as a badge of honor. Like stress and burn-out and worry are to be expected. Like anxiety should be normalized and even accepted as part of who we are. And the chaos, though quite jarring, is oh-so sneaky.
It’s easy to see how it messes with our mind but what about our body? It is dis-eased as it reacts to the busybusyloudloudrushrushrush… and we forget to stop and breathe and …
And protect our internal rhythm.
The one telling us it’s time to slow our roll … and ssshhh … for a few minutes and notice something we haven’t really seen in a while.
To talk less. Think less. Worry less.
Because there’s more than science to the sunrise. This circadian rhythm reminds us to take rest into our work. So we won’t be tossed about by deadlines. We carry this rest into our conversations so we won’t get ticked off by snarky people and messy situations.
We remember Who’s in control. So we can let go of our day. And start it connected, with our inner life protected.
And to striving and anxiousness, to the weight of feeling responsible for everything and everyone.…
We say, “Nope. Not this day.”
And we pray.
God, we are grateful. That day after day after day, You wait to restore our rest. Teach us to stay in it and protect it so we can be a non-anxious presence in this fast and furious, wonderful world.
Photo from Pixabay.com
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