My grandson, Braden, was nine when he taught me a new color.
The sunset was spectacular. So, we spoke in whispers. “Braden, what color is that? “Oh, that’s porange. You know, pink and orange.” We were quiet. The world was quiet. And the huge, fluorescent porange ball floated through gray-blue sky and sank behind a black tree line. Did you know the Jewish Sabbath begins at sunset Friday and ends sunset Saturday? Jesus grew up observing this invitation to stop and enter God’s rest. What if our daily rhythm is backwards? What if we started tomorrow, tonight? What if, instead of going to bed with a head full of worry, we start a new day? An hour or so before bedtime, I disconnect from screens. I find a quiet space away from phone, TV, computer, and people. Separated from noise, I center in. I slow my brain and breathe deep. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I pray. Sometimes all I can do is whisper Jesus’ name. This nightly rhythm of rest saves my sanity. When we’re exhausted, it’s easy for worry and anxiety to overwhelm us. Work, finances, family, this crazy spinning world. So, we intentionally interrupt our thoughts and center them on our truest source of peace. When noise, demands, and distractions are gone ~ there’s just you and Jesus. Wrapped in His compassion, you have courage to review the day ~ to see where you rocked it and where it rocked you. Soaking in grace, God reminds you that you’re doing better than you think. You are human. You are held. You are forgiven. And it’s a brand new day. So when the sun rises, before our heads even leave the pillow, we hold on to this Rest. Yes, the world is still bonkers. It didn’t stop its frantic pace and our problems didn’t get erased. But staying in God’s presence, we rise above it all. Though the world is loud, God is not silent. He often speaks in whispers. From sunset to sunset, we’re invited to watch and listen for the sacred to descend. And we stand in awe. Hushed in holy moments. “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace … Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” ~ Jesus, in Matthew 11:28-30 How will you protect your Rest? I’d love to hear from you. ☮💗 Book News: 📚 Uncover Your Divine Design is reaching far & wide!! From Canada to Florida & everywhere in between! 🎄 And as much as I detest rushing ahead of holidays … Have you thought about that Christmas gift for the book lover on your list? Do you know someone who wants to grow his or her relationship with God & others? If so, Check out the links below. On CrossRiver Media’s site, you can still read the 1st chapter free, if you’d like. How cool is that? 😎 |
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