๐ Crunchy Leaves and Pumpkins and Fall. Oh my.
I love how this cool weather moves us toward everything warm and cozy.
And I do believe there’s more to this warmth than wearing big sweaters and sipping hot frothy drinks. This comfort isn’t solely from the pumpkin and apple cider donuts either. Though they sure do hit the spot on occasion.
In the familiar rhythm of change, in the routine roll and order of seasons ~we find internal calm, rest for our soul.
There is peace in the predictable.
Because life isn’t.
In our personal life and in the wider world, things get wonky.
But, that’s really nothing new. So what do we do?
My brain cues an old REO Speedwagon song, “Roll with the Changes.”
“If you’re tired of the
Same old story
Turn some pages.”
We let the world and its “same old story” roll on and do what it’s always done.ย And we tune in to control the only thing we can:ย Our lovely and often-complicated selves. We pay attention to our internal responses to what happens around us.
Are we rested or restless?
What have we allowed our heart and mind to dwell on?
Is it producing panic or peace?
We get to choose who and what we listen to. We get to turn the pages and flip the script on whatever wants to steal our Joy and Peace. Because lies, fear, and hopelessness belong to the spirit of this world.
But we do not. We belong to our Creator.
We are soul and spirit. We get to choose who and what lives there.ย Jesus scatters our internal darkness “Like a sweet sunshower.”
Our God, who created the rhythm and order of seasons,
Who hung the sun and the moon,
Who set the ebb and flow ofย oceans
and keeps it all rolling in beautiful synchronicity โฆ
That same God ~ with the heart of a loving father and a nurturing mother ~ made us too. With an internal rhythm that connects us to creation and Creator. To a comfort and peace beyond what this world can ever match or even fathom.
My friend, in these familiar rhythms โฆ in this routine roll and order of seasons โฆ
Find rest for your soul.๐โฎ
Click โฌ and soak it in:
Listen to “It is Well” & Rest Your Soul
Photo from www.Pixabay.com
Irene Buchtenkirch says
Lovely to read, Robin
Robin Melvin says
Hi Irene, it was so good to see you & chat at the play. Thank you for reading & contacting me. When you decide to write your stories, let me know!